Nowadays, a lot of people are moving from city to small towns, and this change has a reason. A lot of people are changing their housing because of the environment.
dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010
Advantages of life in the country versus life in the city
Nowadays, a lot of people are moving from city to small towns, and this change has a reason. A lot of people are changing their housing because of the environment.
diumenge, 2 de maig del 2010
She's the one - Robbie Williams
I was her she was me / Jo era ella, ella era jo
We were one we were free / Nosaltres erem un, erem lliures
And if there's somebody calling me home / I si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
We were young we were wrong / Erem joves, estavem equivocats
We were fine all along / Estavem bé durant tot el temps
If there's somebody calling me home / I si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
When you get to where you wanna go / Quan arribes allà on vols anar
And you know the things you wanna know / I tu saps les coses que vols saber
You're smiling / Somrius
When you said what you wanna say / Quan dius el que vols dir
And you know the way you wanna play / I saps la forma com vols jugar
You'll be so high you'll be flying / Estaràs tant amunt, estaràs volant
Though the sea will be strong / Encara que el mar estigui enfurismat
I know we'll carry on / Sé que seguirem
Cos if there's somebody calling me home / Perquè si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
When you get to where you wanna go / Quan arribes allà on volies anar
And you know the things you wanna know / I saps les coses que volies saber
You're smiling / Somrius
When you said what you wanna say / Quan dius el que vols dir
And you know the way you wanna say it / I saps la forma en que vols dir-ho
You'll be so high you'll be flying / Estaràs tant amunt, estaràs volant
I was her she was me / Jo era ella, ella era jo
We were one we were free / Erem un, erem lliures
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
Yeah she's the one / Si, ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algu que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
She's the one / Ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única

I love Robbie Williams and this song too, so today, Mother's day; I would like to devote this song to all the mothers around the world, and specially mine.
Thank you for giving me attention when I need it more.
Thank you for being by my side when I least deserved.
Thank you for all you did for me although it was difficult for you.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for exist.
She is more than a friend, more than everything, SHE'S THE ONE!
I love you mum!
dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010
Professions that are dying out
LAURA: Hello Johan! How are you?
JOHAN: Hi Laura! I’m fine, thanks.
LAURA: First of all I have to tell you that you shouldn't be nervous please. It will be better for you tell us what you want in an easier way.
JOHAN: (laughs) Okay, okay. I'll take it into account!
LAURA: Well, so... let's start! Can you tell us what you do everyday?
JOHAN: Everyday I wake up at six o'clock in the morning, I have breakfast, and later, I take my tractor and I go to work. I stop at midday, I have lunch and I go work again until nine o'clock at night. After that, I have dinner my son, my daughter and my wife and finally I go to sleep.
LAURA: Oh Johan! You work so hard!
JOHAN: Yes, it's true. But I have to say that years ago, without tractors everything was more difficult.
JOHAN: Buuuuuuff! The most important difference are the
LAURA: And what about the future of this job? What do you think?
JOHAN: Nowadays in a three houndred inhabitants village, there are five farmers, so it's easy to see that this profession is dying out.
LAURA: And what are the reasons of its desappearance?
JOHAN: Low prices, no benefits for us, imported productes from other countries, things like that.
LAURA: That's a shame... From my point of view I think it's a very beautiful job, and losing it in our country... will be... unbelievable... Don't you think?
JOHAN: I agree with you, you're right...
LAURA: Well Johan, we've already finished the interview. Thank you a lot!
JOHAN: You are welcome Laura! Good bye!
Influence of psychologists on our society
(Opinion Essay)
Nowadays, our society is conditioned by stress and work, and it can be a reason why people do not feel good with themselves. Departing from this point, a lot of people go to the psychologist with the objective of finding an easier life.
This is only one reason, but there are thousands. The only thing that we want is feel better with ourselves. In these moments is when psychologists can help us using different ways. The easiest one is to go to the surgery, but now, we are going through a big economic crisis and this is not the best way to solve our problems.

If we go to a bookshop, it will be easier for us to find any collection of self-help books. Nowadays, many psychologists are writing about really current topics in our society, like stress, anxiety, bullying, moving, etc. This is one way that psychologists are well considered in our society. They can make easier the citizens’ life without paying a lot of money.
Furthermore, today if somebody goes to the psychologist people will not be surprised about it. Years ago, if someone had psychologist therapy he was considered as a madman.
From my point of view, psychologists are making a god job day after day in our society and I think that they are well considered.
I have to add that in my opinion, they cannot be the answer to our problems and necessities, they can help us to find the solution, but they will not give it to us. We have to find it by ourselves.
dijous, 15 d’abril del 2010
China's economy grows nearly 12 percent
Since 2009 China is inside the worldwide economic crisis, like a lot of countries. As you know, China is an undeveloped country and it is more difficult overcome the crisis for it than a developed country.
The prospects of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) were, more or less, of a 9% for the whole year, and only in the first quarter of year, it has exceeded their previsions with a 12%. The growth was fuelled by industrial growth.
This unexpected growth does not mean that China is outside of the worldwide crisis forever. It means that it is recovering from its bad situation, worst than the majority of the countries, so they have to continue controlling it.

As I said before, one reason of this unforeseen growth is the industrialization. A lot of business from the first world and developed countries bring their industries to undeveloped countries because of the low costs. In these types of countries there is an authoritarian politic regime, plentiful and cheaper labour, etc., so it is cheaper for the companies made their activity in these countries. When we speak about it, we are speaking about one really known phenomenon; the relocation.
From my point of view, this phenomenon helps a lot these countries with difficulties of development, so I think that is good help them with an indirect way. Nowadays, a lot of Spanish and Catalan companies have industries around the world.
This piece of news is from CNN News.
dimarts, 6 d’abril del 2010
Daily chocolate may keep the heart doctor away
Eating as little as a quarter of an ounce of chocolate each day -- an amount equal to about one small Easter egg -- may lower your risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke, a new study has found. For best results, the chocolate should be dark, experts say.
This paragraph summarizes the piece of news that I have read. During these last days, a study has been made about the chocolate consume. The final result of it says that in a low consume chocolate is quite good for heart diseases and strokes. We have to take in account that for the best effect is better with dark chocolate.

Since a lot of time ago, everybody said that chocolate is really bad for a correct diet, but now, we have to forget it. We do not have to do an abuse of chocolate but neither removes it from our diet.
Scientists and researchers are looking for more information about this topic, because it is a little bit shocking. Chocolate is known as an unhealthy food and nowadays is recognized as health nourishment in low quantities. Chocolate and sweets in big quantities are bad for our body, don’t forget it!
This piece of news is extracted from CNN News.
Food fight: Meals are tricky in the sky

In my point of view, food in the planes should be forbidden. The airplane company can sell food with a no damaging and offensive smell for the other passengers that are not eating.
Moreover, there is another kind of people who want to eat when they are bored, and they support this idea, but, the question is: what will you do if someone is eating some that you do not like, or maybe... if someone is eating some yummy food next to you?
This new is extracted from CNN News.
divendres, 2 d’abril del 2010
MAD WORLD - Gary Jules
All around me are familiar faces / Totes les cares del meu voltat són conegudes
Worn out places, worn out faces / llocs gastats, cares gastades
Bright and early for their daily races / Brillant i aviat per les seves carreres diàries
Going nowhere, going nowhere / sense anar a cap lloc, sense anar a cap lloc
Their tears are filling up their glasses / les seves llàgrimes estan emplenant els gots
No expression, no expression / sense cap expressió, sense cap expressió
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow / amago el meu cap, vull afogar el meu dolor
No tomorrow, no tomorrow / sense un demà, sense un demà
And I find it kinda funny / I em sembla una mica graciós
I find it kinda sad / i em sembla una mica trist
The dreams in which I'm dying / els somnis en què estic morint
Are the best I've ever hat / són els millors que mai he tingut
I find it hard to tell you /se’m fa difícil dir
I find it hard to take / se’m fa difícil acceptar que
When people run in circles / quan la gent corre en cercles
It's a very, very mad world, mad world / això és un món molt boig, un món molt boig
Children waiting for the day they feel good / Nens esperant el dia en que se sentin bé
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday / Feliç aniversari, feliç aniversari
Made to feel the way that every child should / I em sembla la forma en què cada nen ha de
Sit and listen, sit and listen / assentar-se i escoltar, assentar-se i escoltar
Went to school and I was very nervous / Vaig anar a l’escola, i estava molt nerviós
No one knew me, no one knew me / Ningú em coneixia, ningú em coneixia
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson / Hola professora, diga’m quina és la meva lliçó
Look right through me, look right through me / mira a través meu, mira a través meu
And I find it kinda funny / I em sembla una mica graciós
I find it kinda sad / i em sembla una mica trist
The dreams in which I'm dying / els somnis en què estic morint
Are the best I've ever hat / són els millors que mai he tingut
I find it hard to tell you /se’m fa difícil dir
I find it hard to take / se’m fa difícil acceptar que
When people run in circles / quan la gent corre en cercles
It's a very, very mad world, mad world / això és un món molt boig, un món molt boig
Enlarging your world / Amplia el teu món
Mad world... / Món boig...
dimarts, 30 de març del 2010
divendres, 5 de març del 2010
Lit up the world as I fell asleep / il·luminessin el món mentre jo m'adormia
'Cause they'd fill the open air / perquè elles emplenaven l'aire
And leave teardrops everywhere / i deixaven llàgrimes per tots costats
You'd think me rude / pensaràs que sóc un maleducat
But I would just stand and stare /però em quedava quiet i mirava fixament
I'd like to make myself believe /m'agradava imaginar
That planet Earth turns slowly / que el planeta Terra gira poc a poc
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay /és difícil dir que preferia quedar-me
Awake when I'm asleep / despert mentre m'adormia
'Cause everything is never as it seems /perquè mai res és el que sembla
'Cause I'd get a thousand hugs / Perquè rebia mils d'abraços
From ten thousand lightning bugs / de deu mil cuques de llum
As they tried to teach me how to dance /mentres elles intentaven ensenyar-me a ballar
A fox trot above my head / una guineu trotava sobre el meu cap
A sock hop beneath my bed / un ball esbojarrat sota el meu llit
A disco ball that's just hanging / una bola de discoteca que està penjant
by a thread / d'un fil
I'd like to make myself believe /m'agradava imaginar
That planet Earth turns slowly / que el planeta Terra gira poc a poc
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay /és difícil dir que preferia quedar-me
Awake when I'm asleep / despert mentre m'adormia
'Cause everything is never as it seems /perquè mai res és el que sembla
(when I fall asleep) / (quan m'adormo)
Leave my door open just a crack / Deixa la meva porta oberta deixant una escletxa
(Please take me away from here) / (per favor, porta'm lluny d'aquí)
'Cause I feel like such an insomniac / perquè em sento com un insomníac
(Please take me away from here) / (per favor, porta'm lluny d'aquí)
Why do I tire of counting sheep... / Per què em canso de contar ovelles
(Please take me away from here) / (per favor, porta'm lluny d'aquí)
When I'm far too tired to fall asleep? /quan estic el suficientment cansat per adormir-me?
To ten million fireflies / per deu milions de cuques de llum
I'm weird 'cause I hate goodbyes / sóc raro perquè odio les despedides
I got misty eyes as they said farewell / se'm van entelar els ulls quan elles em digueren adéu
(said farewell) / (digueren adéu)
But I'll know where several are /però jo sabré on estan algunes
If my dreams get real bizarre / si els meus somnis arribaren a ser realment estrambòtics
'Cause I saved a few and I keep them in a jar / perquè en vaig salvar algunes i les guardo en un pot
I'd like to make myself believe /m'agradava imaginar
That planet Earth turns slowly / que el planeta Terra gira poc a poc
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay /és difícil dir que preferia quedar-me
Awake when I'm asleep / despert mentre m'adormia
'Cause everything is never as it seems /perquè mai res és el que sembla
(when I fall asleep) / (quan m'adormo)
I'd like to make myself believe /m'agradava imaginar
That planet Earth turns slowly / que el planeta Terra gira poc a poc
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay /és difícil dir que preferia quedar-me
Awake when I'm asleep / despert mentre m'adormia
'Cause everything is never as it seems /perquè mai res és el que sembla
(when I fall asleep) / (quan m'adormo)
I'd like to make myself believe /m'agradava imaginar
That planet Earth turns slowly / que el planeta Terra gira poc a poc
It's hard to say that I'd rather stay /és difícil dir que preferia quedar-me
Awake when I'm asleep / despert mentre m'adormia
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams / perquè estic a arrebossar de somnis
dimarts, 23 de febrer del 2010
Description of a person
Taking account the physic, my father is really strong, and moreover is short. He is dark-skinned and also, he is dark-haired man. About his face, he wears glasses and he has brown eyes. His nose and ears are small and his mouth is thin. After that he has a little belly. He always dresses blue jeans and checked shirts.

As I said before he is really strong, but not only physically, also he is strong psychically. He is a person who had to start to work really young, to be precise at twelve years old, so he had lost a little part of his adolescence. He always is taking care of the people who are around him, and he makes the best for them. Furthermore he is a person really responsible and always is trying to make happy people who are around him. He is not a chatty person, but neither he is not a shy; you have to know how to deal him. Is a person who like make comedy a lot.

His passion are the old tractors. In his free time he loves stay restoring old tractors and he have a collection. He does not like music a lot, he prefers tranquillity.
To sum up, I would like to say that I’m really proud of my father, he is all that one daughter can ask. I really love him.
dijous, 18 de febrer del 2010
Pride & Prejudice forum participations.
As boys said when they finished their readings, they didn’t like the novel because they think that it is a love story. In my point I do not think that this is a girl’s story, because a boy can enjoy it at the same way or more than a girl, but generally, boys do not like love stories for the reason that they found these stories to much sentimental, twee and appears too much love and not much action for them.
Years ago, a really high percentage of weddings have been a money issue or, moreover programmed weddings. These people used to get married with people with money to assure their life quality. In my point of view, I think that today people get married because they love each other, and when two people get married, they have to be sure because if all between their lives is correct, they will pass their whole life together.
I agree with Claudia. We have to act in a way combining happiness with the exact proportion of reputation, because maybe we won’t be happy if we are thinking about the honor of our families in all the actions we do. To sum up, I would like to say that we have to enjoy our lives in a correct way without damaging people who are around you.
divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010
ORAL PRESENTATION; My Research Project
While I was talking I used to look at the audience and occasionally I was looking to my notes, but I only was cheeking that I was saying everything that I had to say. Moreover, sometimes, I did movements with my hands and I walked a little bit.
At the beginning of the presentation I introduced the topic and I made an structure of the oral presentation. Furthermore, during all the oral presentation, I used markers like firstly, after that, then, secondly, finally, etc.
I think that all the content that explained was new for the audience and I try to make it easiest as I could. I used resources (Power Point) to support all that I explained.
About the language, I think that it is one of the parts that I have to improve more. I try to use the correct grammar and a correct vocabulary, but it’s really difficult to me. Apart of these faults, I used connectors and fillers with the objective to make the oral presentation easier.
One of the points that I have to improve more is the pronunciation. I looked up all the words that I have no idea to pronounce it and I wrote them in the papers, but I forgot to say correctly some of them. About the intonation, I speak really fast, but it’s my way to talk. When I speak in Catalan also I speak quickly and I do not know what I can do to speak slowly.
To sum up, I would like to say that I think that it is the best oral presentation I did during all the Batxillerat and I’m proud to see that I’ve improved a lot since one year before.
Here you have the Power Point of the oral presentation.
dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010
Sweet-toothed children "may have depression"
This is the sentence that summarizes the new. A team of cientifcs have been investigating about the influency of sweet candy on children.
The conclusion that they have extracted is that if the consume of sweets it is still growing in the future, children may be depressed or at higher risk of future alcohol problems.
Nowadatys, cientifics are doing a lot of experminets and studies about everything that is around us. I agree that science have to study a lot of cases to prevent future diseases, problems, etc., but also, I think that some of the studies that they do are unnecessary. They are wasting a lot of money studying cases that maybe; they will bring scientifics to anywhere.
In my point of view, I think that we have to invest less money in experiments and help more to all the subdeveloped countries. During the day are dying a lot of people while the developed countries are wasting money minute by minute.
I am not saying that science it is useless, but I think that we spend too much money in it.
This new is extracted from this link.

I have seen this film three or four times, I do not remember it now, but I really like it. In this film there are represented a lot of topics related with young people; girls, boys, girfriends, boyfriends, Rock and Roll, etc. What else can ask to an American studen from the 50’s?
Heartache, love, unfulfilled dreams, school partyes, flirts, etc., are topics presented in this film. Basically this is a film based on the life of a group of University’s Students that try to enjoy the life at the best way it is possible.
Sincerely, I do not have more to say about this film. I think that all of us have seen this film minimum one time so all of us can comment about it.
Letter to Climate Summit Organizers
Onze de Setembre, 54 avenue
Sant Pere Pescador (Girona, Spain)
11th January 2010
Climate Summit Organizers
PO Box 865
Aboulevard Street
Copenhaguen (Denmark)
I am wirting to you because I want to explain you some of my points of view related with the problems of the climate change and the environment, that are really current problems on our society at this moment. As you know, nowadays, our society is full of egoism. People only look for their benefits and they do not care about the environment of the planet where all of us are living.
If we continue with this role of life, we will drive our planet to his end. I am sure that all of us want a good life for our children with no problems related with pollution, greenhouse effect and nothing like that. If we really want the survival of our children we must do something.
Probabily, now, you are thinking about solutions for this big problem that all of us are having. Firstly, the politicians have to estabilish strong laws, if not, a lot of people will continue growing with their egoism and is a thing that we must do all together.
We have to redirect our consumption to alternative energy sources, maybe, our environment will get better. For example, solar energy, wind energy, thermal energy, photovoltaic energy, etc. There are a lot of alternative energies, so the only thing that we have to do is apply them. Moreover, we must reduce the consume of fuel and recycle more paper, glass, plastic, etc.
Other possible solutions that we can apply on our lives are reudce the exhaust fumes and furthermore, it will help the greenhouse effect.
If we do not control things like that, a lot of species will die out and the wildlife will be like a desert. We have to do something if we want to protect our environment. We must turn our lives into ecological lives. It will be better.
Thank you for your attention.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,

Laura Carrera.
Should Human Rights be enforced by law or optional?
Nowadays, Human Rights are protected in many countries, but also, there are a lot of subdeveloped countries that don’t respect them. For example, we can find a lot of slavery in subdeveloped countries, like Africa, Asia, etc., but it is not necessary go so far. Here, in Europe there are a lot of discrimination and racism to people who are from other countries.
Human Rights have to be enforced by the law, because all the people from around the world have rights only for the reason that they are humans.
If Human Rights were not enforced by the law, the society would be a disaster. Moreover, in our world, will be a lot of delinquency and any type of peace, love and respect to other people of the society.
In conclusion, it is necesary to pose again the question concerning that Human Rights should be enforced by law, because if they are optional, nobody will respect the rights of the other residents of the world. Furthermore, Human Righs are a way to protect the weakest people in the world, because when a new law is established, only benefits developed countries.
dilluns, 4 de gener del 2010
HAPPY - Leona Lewis
Someone once told me / Una vegada algú em va dir
you have to choose / has d'escollir
what you win or lose / el que surts guanyant o el que perds
you can’t have everything / no pots tenir-ho tot
don’t you take chances / No t'arriesguis
you might feel the pain / podries sentir el dolor
don’t you love in vain / no estimis perquè sí
cause love won’t set you free / perquè l'amor no et farà lliure
I could stand by the side / Jo podria estar a un costat
and watch this life pass me by / i observar la vida passant de llarg
so unhappy but safe as could be / molt infeliç, pero tant protegit com podria estar
So what if it hurts me? / I què si em fa mal?
so what if I break down? / I què si em surt malament?
so what if this world just throws me / I què si aquest món em fa fora
off the edge my feet run out of ground? / com si res i els meus peus queden sense terra?
I gotta find my place / He de trobar el meu lloc
I wanna hear my sound / Vull sentir la meva melodia
don’t care about other pain in front of me / no m'importa el dolor
cause I'm just trying be happy... yeah... / perquè només estic intentant ser feliç... sí...
just wanna be happy... yeah... / només vull ser feliç... sí...
Holding on tightly / Aguantant fortament
just can’t let it go / sense poder-lo deixar anar
just trying play my roll / tant sols intento fer el meu paper
slowly disappear... oooh / desaparèixer lentament... oooh
Well all these tears / Bé, totes aquestes llàgrimes
they feel like they’re the same / semblen ser del mateix
just different faces, different names / tant sols diferents rostres, noms diferents
get me outta here / treu-me d'aquí
well I can’t stand by the side oooh no... / no puc estar a un costat oooh no...
and watch this life pass me by / i veure la vida com em passa
pass me by / passant-me de llarg
So what if it hurts me? / I què si em fa mal?
so what if I break down? / I què si em surt malament?
so what if this world just throws me / I què si aquest món em fa fora
off the edge my feet run out of ground? / com si res i els meus peus queden sense terra?
I gotta find my place / He de trobar el meu lloc
I wanna hear my sound / Vull sentir la meva melodia
don’t care about other pain in front of me / no m'importa el dolor
cause I'm just trying be happy... yeah... / perquè només estic intentant ser feliç... sí...
just wanna be happy... yeah... / només vull ser feliç... sí...
So any turns that I can’t see / Així que qualsevol de les curves que no puc veure
like I’m a stranger on this road / com si fos una desconeguda en aquesta carretera
but don’t save me then / però no em salvis a llavors
don’t say anything / no diguis res
So what if it hurts me? / I què si em fa mal?
so what if I break down? / I què si em surt malament?
so what if this world just throws me / I què si aquest món em fa fora
off the edge my feet run out of ground? / com si res i els meus peus queden sense terra?
I gotta find my place / He de trobar el meu lloc
I wanna hear my sound / Vull sentir la meva melodia
don’t care about other pain in front of me / no m'importa el dolor
I'm just trying be happy... / perquè només estic intentant ser feliç...
happy... / feliç...
happy... just wanna be... / feliç... només vull ser...
happy... happy... / feliç... feliç...
divendres, 27 de novembre del 2009
I'm running out of patients / M'estic impacientant
'Cos I can't believe what the hell / perquè no puc creure què dimonis
I'm hearing / estic sentint
And speaking of hell / i parlant de l'infern,
It don't compare to this heat / no es pot comparar amb aquesta calor
That I am feeling / que estic sentint
I love you too much / T'estimo moassa
It shows / el que demostra
All my emotions go / que totes les meves emocions van
Out of control oh woah woah / fora de control oh woah woah
Good for you bad for me / el que és bo per tu és dolent per a mi
When I can hardly see / quan em costa veure
From the tears that flow oh woah / de les llàgrimes que vesso oh woah
Can't forget to breathe slow / No puc oblidar respirar poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contar de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Before I lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure / abans de perder-ho mantenc la meva compostura
I am gonna breathe slow / Respiraré poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contaré de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure / les dones mai perden la seva compostura
Not gonna lie / No mentiré
Or even try / ni ho intentaré
You've got my wheel spinning / tú gires la meva roda
And I ain't the one to shoot / però no seré jo qui dispararà
The gun / la pistola
'Cos that means you will be / perquè això significa que tu estaràs
Winning oh yeah / guanyant oh yeah
I love you too much / T'estimo moassa
It shows / el que demostra
All my emotions go / que totes les meves emocions van
Out of control oh woah woah / fora de control oh woah woah
Good for you bad for me / el que és bo per tu és dolent per a mi
When I can hardly see / quan em costa veure
From the tears that flow oh woah / de les llàgrimes que vesso oh woah
Ohh oh ooh
Can't forget to breathe slow / No puc oblidar respirar poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contar de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Before I lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure / abans de perder-ho mantenc la meva compostura
I am gonna breathe slow / Respiraré poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contaré de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure / les dones mai perden la seva compostura
Somebody better hold me back / Que algú millor m'aguanti
You're lucky I know how to act / tú tens sort que jo sé com actuar
(So lucky ain't gonna attack) / tant afortunat que no t'atacaré
I'm being calm and cool / m'estic calmant i tranquilitzant
But believe me you / però tú creu-me
It's taking everything to just / costa molt només
Breathe breathe breathe... / respirar, respirar, respirar...
Can't forget to breathe slow / No puc oblidar respirar poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contar de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Before I lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure / abans de perder-ho mantenc la meva compostura
I am gonna breathe slow / Respiraré poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contaré de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure / les dones mai perden la seva compostura
The vocabulary of this song is easy so I could translate it without any type of problem, apart from three or four words.
Enjoy it!:)
1234 - Plain White T's (activity)

This new talks about Dengue Fever, a disease that is in a full development now. This disease is transmitted by a mosquito bite which that have been infected by the virus of Dengue.
Dengue Fever infects more than 100 million people and kills more than 22.000 persons during one year. More than 2’5 billions of people have the risk to take this illness in only 100 countries.
The principal symptom of this disease is the high fever, headaches and several stomach aches.
Scientists are investigating a lot this disease, but they cannot give a treatment for this, because it consists in a viral disease. The only thing that the infected people can do is wait minimum one month for their totally recuperation.
The places where we can find more infected people of the Dengue Fever are tropical and subtropical countries, for example Africa, South America, Australia, etc.
This video is extracted from CNN
P.S: I know that we have to do an opinion of the new that we read or listened, but I found this video really interesting and I decided to write something about it.
dijous, 26 de novembre del 2009
During the oral presentation, we used a Power Point with sounds, images and videos, so we had a lot of material to represent and support our oral presentation. We talked during ten minutes so the time is correct.
When I was talking I used to look the audience most of the time, but also I looked occasionally my notes because I didn’t want to forget to say nothing.
I did an introduction to introduce our topic and also, during the oral presentation I made questions to the audience to get the audience attention and made the presentation light for all of us. I used some markers during the oral presentation.
About the content, we tried that the some of the things that we said were new for the audience to make this oral presentation more interesting. We used to speak with a basic grammar and vocabulary and some connectors and fillers.
In my point of view, I think that I have to improve a lot my pronunciation and make the content more rich with new vocabulary and grammar, and also relax a little bit myself, because I used to speak quickly because I was a little bit nervous and sometimes, was difficult to understand me.
I will try to improve all my mistakes for the next oral presentation. ;)
Here, you have the video of our oral presentation and also, the Poper Point.

I decided to talk about this film because I think that there are a lot of people who is not aware about the effects that maybe will produce the global warming.
Nowadays everyday people are discovering something new about science and technologies, so we are in a period really accelerated of development.
Every day we are throwing gases, gases and more gases to the atmosphere and this is a reason of the global warming.
In my point of view, we must control more these throwing and contaminations, because apart from that we are damaging OUR environment, at the same time we are damaging the environment of our future generations.
In conclusion, I think that people have to look all they do trying to contaminate the world at the best way it is possible!
dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights were created during the Second World War, by the United Nations to recognize freedom, justice and peace in our society.
Nowadays there are thirty Human Rights and they are really relevant in the world today, because they represent freedom, justice and peace from our society.
From all the Human Rights that were created by the United Nations, I chose the Human Right number one; We are all born Free & Equal.
I think that it is really important that all the residents of the whole world have the same rights depending from the place they are living, depending on their economic level, etc.
Also, I think it is really important that all the residents have the freedom for doing all they want and do not be tied on chains.
To sum up, I would like to say that Human Rights are very important in our lives. If we want that people respects our Human Rights, we have to start respecting Human Rights from the other people of our society and do not discriminate anybody.
Here, you have a video from Human Rights number 1.
divendres, 13 de novembre del 2009
dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009
Worm attack bites at Apple iPhone

In my point of view someone interested to learn money have to create this virus that affects on Apple iPhone. It’s illogical that people made virus without sense.
So, in my point of view, have to be someone behind this warms who want to learn a lot of money with the antivirus that people are buying and will buy on the future for their computers and maybe, their mobile phones!
This new is extrated from here.
diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2009
I know it is not a short joke but I found it when I was searching a short joke to say in class and I liked it, so I've decided to post on my portfolio as an extra point! Listen it and LAUGH!
A guy came into a bar one day and said to the barman, "Give me six double vodka."
The barman says, "Wow! you must have had one really bad day."
"Yes, I've just found out my older brother is gay."
The next day the same guy came into the bar and asked for the same drinks.
When the bartender asked what the problem was today the answer came back, "I've just found out that my younger brother is gay too!"
On the third day the guy came into the bar and ordered another six double vodkas.
The bartender said, "WOW! Doesn't anybody in your family like women?"
"Yeah, my wife..."

Maybe, it is more economical for our environment, because we will not use the quantity of paper that we are using now. Furthermore, it can be cheaper than the traditional method, because we will only have to pay the “computer” and later pay little by little the books you want to download, so it’s relatively cheaper than the paper books.
To sum up, I think that electronic books will change a lot our society, because a lot of libraries will disappear and also, there is a lot of people in our society that do not know anything about new technologies, and it will be difficult for these people to find books of paper like the lifelong books.
As Laura Penkert said, the price of Faustian Bargain’s for Dorian Gray is his own soul, but I disagree with Dorian Gray’s decision.
I think that in our life youth and beauty is not the most important thing, we can enjoy ourselves as we are doing now when we will be old and ugly.
In this case, Dorian Gray’s portrait will pay all the evilness and madness that Dorian Gray commit, so I think it is not life. In my point of view, you must pay for things you do.
And also, how will be the world if all of us will be young forever? In this case, I must say that I agree with the theory of Heraclitus, the philosopher. Heraclitus said that all the things were in a continue period of change, and it’s true. Seconds, minutes, hours, days and years pass and they will change ourselves, until the time we die.
In conclusion I think that in this life, all the periods have a time and when youth finish other period will start, but it doesn’t say that life it’s already finishing. Doesn’t matter if we are young or older, but we have a lot of time for enjoy ourselves! :D
In this dialogue, I found a difference between these two situations that Christian is. About the situation with Julia, he doesn’t want to practice plastic surgery with her because he loves Julia as she is, ‘because she is his all-life love and he sees Julia as a perfect woman.
But when Christian sees Kimber breasts, he said to her that to be perfect she must practice plastic surgery. I think that the reason why Christian recommend plastic surgery to Kimber is why for his own interest, as Oriol said. He only wants to increment his richness and he takes advantage of it.
Hi Laura!
I want to discuss your topic, I think it’s really interesting and also it can brings really good ideas to discuss, but before to tell my ideas I want to say that I am agree with you.
In my point of view, nowadays, a lot of people make plastic surgery to their bodies with the objective of improve their appearance, and I think that it is not necessary. You are wasting you money in an unnecessarily way.
Also there are a lot of people who have a really big problem in their body, like you said a consequence of an accident; they have a part deformed, so I think that in this case is necessary practice plastic surgery.
I hope that in my life I shouldn’t have to practice plastic surgery on myself.
And to sum up, I would like to say one thing: If you want to be happy, start to accept yourself as you are. ;)
diumenge, 4 d’octubre del 2009
The patient says: "OK, give me the good news first."
The doctor says: "The good news is, you have 24 hours to live."
The patient replies: "Oh no! If that's the good news, what's about the bad news?"
The doctor says: "The bad news is, I forgot to call you yesterday."
dissabte, 26 de setembre del 2009
Maybe, now you’re thinking why I’m telling it, and now, I’ll tell you why.
The new that I read it’s about one artist, Toni Ortiz, who paint 3D paintings on the floor, caricatures and a lot of things.
Specially, the article I read talks about his 3D paintings on the floor. When you see it in photos, at the first time you must look it again ‘cause it seems real!
I really like this type of paintings on the floor. In my life I only had the opportunity to see two in direct, and I enjoyed it a lot. I think it’s amazing ‘cause it seems a photo montage but it’s real!
Here, you have the web page of this artist, I look up all his paintings and they are brilliant, enjoy it!
This new it's from the magazine Catalonia Today, from September 2009.
dimarts, 15 de setembre del 2009
I hope you like it ;)
Sometimes everything seems awkward and large/ A vegades tot sembla inoportú i llarg
imagine a Wednesday evening in March / imagina una tarda de dimecres al març
future and past, at the same time. / futur i passat, al mateix moment.
I make use of the night, start drinking a lot / Aprofito la nit, començo a beure molt
although not ideal for now it's all that i've got / Encara que no sigui ideal, per ara és tot el que tinc
it's nice to know your name. / És bonic saber el teu nom.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi.
An ocean, a lake, I need a place to drown / Un oceà, un llac, necessito un lloc per ofegar-me
let’s freeze the moment cauze we're going down / anem a congelar el moment, perquè estem marxant
tomorrow you'll be gone, gone, gone. / Demà ja hauràs marxat, marxat, marxat.
You're laughing to hard, this all seems surreal / Estàs rient molt, això sembla surrealista
I feel peculiar now, what do you feel? / Ara em sento peculiar, que sents tu?
Do you think there's a chance that we can fall?. / Tu creus que hi haurà un canvi que ens faci caure?
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi
What do I know, I know your name. / Què sé jo, jo sé el teu nom.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me anymore. / Tu no saps res sobre mi mai més.
I gave up dreaming for a while, / Vaig deixar de somiar per un moment,
I gave up dreaming for a while. / Vaig deixar de somiar per un moment.
I've noticed these are mysterous days / M’he adonat que són dies misteriosos
I look at it like a jigsaw puzzle and gaze / Semblo una mirada fixa en un trencaclosques
white wide open mouth and burning eyes. / blanca ample boca oberta i ulls encesos.
If only I could start to care, / Si jo hagués començat a prestar atenció
my dreams and my wednesdays are going nowhere. / els meus somnis i els meus dimecres no haurien anat enlloc.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi
What do I know, I know your name. / Què sé jo, jo sé el seu nom.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know/ tu no saps
you don't know anything about me anymore. / tu no saps res sobre mi mai més.
Awkward: inoportú
Drown: afogar
Jigsaw: trencaclosques
Gaze: mirar fixament
Wide: ample