dilluns, 3 de maig del 2010

Advantages of life in the country versus life in the city

2. Using your own word
s, write an argumentative essay about the advantages of life in the city versus life in the country or vice versa. (Selectivitat September 2009)

Nowadays, a lot of people are moving from city to small towns, and this change has a reason. A lot of people are changing their housing because of the environment.
Is better for a lot of people live in small towns or in the country. There, there is more tranquility, and also, pace.

Moreover, the atmosphere is better. The air is not so contaminated and you can breathe better, there is less noise, more kindness, more confidence with all the neighbors, and one important thing, the constant contact with nature.

In the country, people suffer less psychic disorders, like anxiety, depression, anguish, etc. In the city people are more agitated and in one way or in another affects you a lot.

For this reason, in small towns and in the country, people are more free and independent from all the services that are in the city. For example: the underground. In a big city, if you want to move to the other side of it, you will not be able to do all the route walking. Furthermore, if you take a mobility service, like taxi for example, it will be so expensive for you.

By this way, in small towns and in the country it does not happen. You can walk wherever you want without pay nothing.

In conclusion, I would like to say that from my opinion, is better live in a small town or in the country because you can relax a lot and feel quite better with yourself surrounded by nature and peace.

diumenge, 2 de maig del 2010

She's the one - Robbie Williams

I was her she was me / Jo era ella, ella era jo
We were one we were free / Nosaltres erem un, erem lliures
And if there's somebody calling me home / I si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única

We were young we were wrong / Erem joves, estavem equivocats
We were fine all along / Estavem bé durant tot el temps
If there's somebody calling me home / I si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única

When you get to where you wanna go / Quan arribes allà on vols anar
And you know the things you wanna know / I tu saps les coses que vols saber
You're smiling / Somrius
When you said what you wanna say / Quan dius el que vols dir
And you know the way you wanna play / I saps la forma com vols jugar
You'll be so high you'll be flying / Estaràs tant amunt, estaràs volant

Though the sea will be strong / Encara que el mar estigui enfurismat
I know we'll carry on / Sé que seguirem
Cos if there's somebody calling me home / Perquè si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única

When you get to where you wanna go / Quan arribes allà on volies anar
And you know the things you wanna know / I saps les coses que volies saber
You're smiling / Somrius

When you said what you wanna say / Quan dius el que vols dir
And you know the way you wanna say it / I saps la forma en que vols dir-ho
You'll be so high you'll be flying / Estaràs tant amunt, estaràs volant

I was her she was me / Jo era ella, ella era jo
We were one we were free / Erem un, erem lliures
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única

If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
Yeah she's the one / Si, ella és la única

If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algu que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única
She's the one / Ella és la única

If there's somebody calling me home / Si hi ha algú que em visita
She's the one / Ella és la única

I love Robbie Williams and this song too, so today, Mother's day; I would like to devote this song to all the mothers around the world, and specially mine.
Thank you for giving me attention when I need it more.
Thank you for being by my side when I least deserved.
Thank you for all you did for me although it was difficult for you.
Thank you for loving me.
Thank you for exist.

She is more than a friend, more than everything, SHE'S THE ONE!
I love you mum!