dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010

Professions that are dying out


Hello everybody! Welcome to our radio programme! Today we are going to talk about some professions that are dying out, concretely the farmers. We will talk with one of the last farmers in our country, Johan.

LAURA: Hello Johan! How are you?
JOHAN: Hi Laura! I’m fine, thanks.
LAURA: First of all I have to tell you that you shouldn't be nervous please. It will be better for you tell us what you want in an easier way.
JOHAN: (laughs) Okay, okay. I'll take it into account!
LAURA: Well, so... let's start! Can you tell us what you do everyday?
JOHAN: Everyday I wake up at six o'clock in the morning, I have breakfast, and later, I take my tractor and I go to work. I stop at midday, I have lunch and I go work again until nine o'clock at night. After that, I have dinner my son, my daughter and my wife and finally I go to sleep.
LAURA: Oh Johan! You work so hard!
JOHAN: Yes, it's true. But I have to say that years ago, without tractors everything was more difficult.
LAURA: Which are the differences between now and before?
JOHAN: Buuuuuuff! The most important difference are the tractors. Nowadays with these machines it's easier, quicker and better for us. We can do more in less time.
LAURA: And what about the future of this job? What do you think?
JOHAN: Nowadays in a three houndred inhabitants village, there are five farmers, so it's easy to see that this profession is dying out.
LAURA: And what are the reasons of its desappearance?
JOHAN: Low prices, no benefits for us, imported productes from other countries, things like that.
LAURA: That's a shame... From my point of view I think it's a very beautiful job, and losing it in our country... will be... unbelievable... Don't you think?
JOHAN: I agree with you, you're right...
LAURA: Well Johan, we've already finished the interview. Thank you a lot!
JOHAN: You are welcome Laura! Good bye!


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