divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010

ORAL PRESENTATION; My Research Project

Well, finished the oral presentation, the only thing that it is missing is the self evaluation of it. During the presentation I used a Power Point, I presented one interview that I did during the Research Project and also I presented the dictionary that I created. I did a presentation of five minutes.

While I was talking I used to look at the audience and occasionally I was looking to my notes, but I only was cheeking that I was saying everything that I had to say. Moreover, sometimes, I did movements with my hands and I walked a little bit.

At the beginning of the presentation I introduced the topic and I made an structure of the oral presentation. Furthermore, during all the oral presentation, I used markers like firstly, after that, then, secondly, finally, etc.

I think that all the content that explained was new for the audience and I try to make it easiest as I could. I used resources (Power Point) to support all that I explained.

About the language, I think that it is one of the parts that I have to improve more. I try to use the correct grammar and a correct vocabulary, but it’s really difficult to me. Apart of these faults, I used connectors and fillers with the objective to make the oral presentation easier.
One of the points that I have to improve more is the pronunciation. I looked up all the words that I have no idea to pronounce it and I wrote them in the papers, but I forgot to say correctly some of them. About the intonation, I speak really fast, but it’s my way to talk. When I speak in Catalan also I speak quickly and I do not know what I can do to speak slowly.

To sum up, I would like to say that I think that it is the best oral presentation I did during all the Batxillerat and I’m proud to see that I’ve improved a lot since one year before.

Here you have the Power Point of the oral presentation.


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