dijous, 26 de novembre del 2009


Laura Juncà and I did the oral presentation about Humour Programmes on TV. We chose that topic because we thought that it would be an interesting topic to talk about because we look a lot of programmes like these but we don’t pay attention on their finalities; make laugh.
During the oral presentation, we used a Power Point with sounds, images and videos, so we had a lot of material to represent and support our oral presentation. We talked during ten minutes so the time is correct.
When I was talking I used to look the audience most of the time, but also I looked occasionally my notes because I didn’t want to forget to say nothing.
I did an introduction to introduce our topic and also, during the oral presentation I made questions to the audience to get the audience attention and made the presentation light for all of us. I used some markers during the oral presentation.
About the content, we tried that the some of the things that we said were new for the audience to make this oral presentation more interesting. We used to speak with a basic grammar and vocabulary and some connectors and fillers.
In my point of view, I think that I have to improve a lot my pronunciation and make the content more rich with new vocabulary and grammar, and also relax a little bit myself, because I used to speak quickly because I was a little bit nervous and sometimes, was difficult to understand me.
I will try to improve all my mistakes for the next oral presentation. ;)
Here, you have the video of our oral presentation and also, the Poper Point.


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