dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010

Should Human Rights be enforced by law or optional?

(Discussion Essay)

Nowadays, Human Rights are protected in many countries, but also, there are a lot of subdeveloped countries that don’t respect them. For example, we can find a lot of slavery in subdeveloped countries, like Africa, Asia, etc., but it is not necessary go so far. Here, in Europe there are a lot of discrimination and racism to people who are from other countries.

Human Rights have to be enforced by the law, because all the people from around the world have rights only for the reason that they are humans.
If Human Rights were not enforced by the law, the society would be a disaster. Moreover, in our world, will be a lot of delinquency and any type of peace, love and respect to other people of the society.

In conclusion, it is necesary to pose again the question concerning that Human Rights should be enforced by law, because if they are optional, nobody will respect the rights of the other residents of the world. Furthermore, Human Righs are a way to protect the weakest people in the world, because when a new law is established, only benefits developed countries.


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