dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010

Letter to Climate Summit Organizers

(Formal letter)

Onze de Setembre, 54 avenue
Sant Pere Pescador (Girona, Spain)
11th January 2010

Climate Summit Organizers
PO Box 865
Aboulevard Street
Copenhaguen (Denmark)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am wirting to you because I want to explain you some of my points of view related with the problems of the climate change and the environment, that are really current problems on our society at this moment. As you know, nowadays, our society is full of egoism. People only look for their benefits and they do not care about the environment of the planet where all of us are living.

If we continue with this role of life, we will drive our planet to his end. I am sure that all of us want a good life for our children with no problems related with pollution, greenhouse effect and nothing like that. If we really want the survival of our children we must do something.

Probabily, now, you are thinking about solutions for this big problem that all of us are having. Firstly, the politicians have to estabilish strong laws, if not, a lot of people will continue growing with their egoism and is a thing that we must do all together.

We have to redirect our consumption to alternative energy sources, maybe, our environment will get better. For example, solar energy, wind energy, thermal energy, photovoltaic energy, etc. There are a lot of alternative energies, so the only thing that we have to do is apply them. Moreover, we must reduce the consume of fuel and recycle more paper, glass, plastic, etc.
Other possible solutions that we can apply on our lives are reudce the exhaust fumes and furthermore, it will help the greenhouse effect.

If we do not control things like that, a lot of species will die out and the wildlife will be like a desert. We have to do something if we want to protect our environment. We must turn our lives into ecological lives. It will be better.

Thank you for your attention.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Laura Carrera.


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