dimarts, 23 de febrer del 2010

Description of a person

I think that describe a big person in few words it’s really difficult but I’ll try it. I’ll describe my father.

Taking account the physic, my father is really strong, and moreover is short. He is dark-skinned and also, he is dark-haired man. About his face, he wears glasses and he has brown eyes. His nose and ears are small and his mouth is thin. After that he has a little belly. He always dresses blue jeans and checked shirts.

As I said before he is really strong, but not only physically, also he is strong psychically. He is a person who had to start to work really young, to be precise at twelve years old, so he had lost a little part of his adolescence. He always is taking care of the people who are around him, and he makes the best for them. Furthermore he is a person really responsible and always is trying to make happy people who are around him. He is not a chatty person, but neither he is not a shy; you have to know how to deal him. Is a person who like make comedy a lot.

My father is working like a farmer and he has two jobs but he combines them. He is the manager from one business that works with the agriculture and also he has his own fields. He is really hard-worker. He is really cleaver, he knows a lot of everything; mechanics, construction, painting, electronics, etc. I think that if my father would be able to go to the University, he would have really good marks.

His passion are the old tractors. In his free time he loves stay restoring old tractors and he have a collection. He does not like music a lot, he prefers tranquillity.

To sum up, I would like to say that I’m really proud of my father, he is all that one daughter can ask. I really love him.

dijous, 18 de febrer del 2010

Pride & Prejudice forum participations.

Participations in Pride and Prejudice's forum.


As boys said when they finished their readings, they didn’t like the novel because they think that it is a love story. In my point I do not think that this is a girl’s story, because a boy can enjoy it at the same way or more than a girl, but generally, boys do not like love stories for the reason that they found these stories to much sentimental, twee and appears too much love and not much action for them.


Years ago, a really high percentage of weddings have been a money issue or, moreover programmed weddings. These people used to get married with people with money to assure their life quality. In my point of view, I think that today people get married because they love each other, and when two people get married, they have to be sure because if all between their lives is correct, they will pass their whole life together.


I agree with Claudia. We have to act in a way combining happiness with the exact proportion of reputation, because maybe we won’t be happy if we are thinking about the honor of our families in all the actions we do. To sum up, I would like to say that we have to enjoy our lives in a correct way without damaging people who are around you.

divendres, 12 de febrer del 2010

ORAL PRESENTATION; My Research Project

Well, finished the oral presentation, the only thing that it is missing is the self evaluation of it. During the presentation I used a Power Point, I presented one interview that I did during the Research Project and also I presented the dictionary that I created. I did a presentation of five minutes.

While I was talking I used to look at the audience and occasionally I was looking to my notes, but I only was cheeking that I was saying everything that I had to say. Moreover, sometimes, I did movements with my hands and I walked a little bit.

At the beginning of the presentation I introduced the topic and I made an structure of the oral presentation. Furthermore, during all the oral presentation, I used markers like firstly, after that, then, secondly, finally, etc.

I think that all the content that explained was new for the audience and I try to make it easiest as I could. I used resources (Power Point) to support all that I explained.

About the language, I think that it is one of the parts that I have to improve more. I try to use the correct grammar and a correct vocabulary, but it’s really difficult to me. Apart of these faults, I used connectors and fillers with the objective to make the oral presentation easier.
One of the points that I have to improve more is the pronunciation. I looked up all the words that I have no idea to pronounce it and I wrote them in the papers, but I forgot to say correctly some of them. About the intonation, I speak really fast, but it’s my way to talk. When I speak in Catalan also I speak quickly and I do not know what I can do to speak slowly.

To sum up, I would like to say that I think that it is the best oral presentation I did during all the Batxillerat and I’m proud to see that I’ve improved a lot since one year before.

Here you have the Power Point of the oral presentation.

dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010

Sweet-toothed children "may have depression"

“While most children like sweets, those with an extra-sweet tooth may be depressed or at higher risk of future alcohol problems, researchers say.”

This is the sentence that summarizes the new. A team of cientifcs have been investigating about the influency of sweet candy on children.
The conclusion that they have extracted is that if the consume of sweets it is still growing in the future, children may be depressed or at higher risk of future alcohol problems.
Nowadatys, cientifics are doing a lot of experminets and studies about everything that is around us. I agree that science have to study a lot of cases to prevent future diseases, problems, etc., but also, I think that some of the studies that they do are unnecessary. They are wasting a lot of money studying cases that maybe; they will bring scientifics to anywhere.
In my point of view, I think that we have to invest less money in experiments and help more to all the subdeveloped countries. During the day are dying a lot of people while the developed countries are wasting money minute by minute.
I am not saying that science it is useless, but I think that we spend too much money in it.

This new is extracted from this link.


In my point of view Grease is one of the best films I have seen. I agree with all the people who criticize the film because it seems the ideal life of an American student, but also, I think it is a really good musical with a lot of humour, rythm and beautiful songs.

I have seen this film three or four times, I do not remember it now, but I really like it. In this film there are represented a lot of topics related with young people; girls, boys, girfriends, boyfriends, Rock and Roll, etc. What else can ask to an American studen from the 50’s?

Heartache, love, unfulfilled dreams, school partyes, flirts, etc., are topics presented in this film. Basically this is a film based on the life of a group of University’s Students that try to enjoy the life at the best way it is possible.

Sincerely, I do not have more to say about this film. I think that all of us have seen this film minimum one time so all of us can comment about it.

Letter to Climate Summit Organizers

(Formal letter)

Onze de Setembre, 54 avenue
Sant Pere Pescador (Girona, Spain)
11th January 2010

Climate Summit Organizers
PO Box 865
Aboulevard Street
Copenhaguen (Denmark)

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am wirting to you because I want to explain you some of my points of view related with the problems of the climate change and the environment, that are really current problems on our society at this moment. As you know, nowadays, our society is full of egoism. People only look for their benefits and they do not care about the environment of the planet where all of us are living.

If we continue with this role of life, we will drive our planet to his end. I am sure that all of us want a good life for our children with no problems related with pollution, greenhouse effect and nothing like that. If we really want the survival of our children we must do something.

Probabily, now, you are thinking about solutions for this big problem that all of us are having. Firstly, the politicians have to estabilish strong laws, if not, a lot of people will continue growing with their egoism and is a thing that we must do all together.

We have to redirect our consumption to alternative energy sources, maybe, our environment will get better. For example, solar energy, wind energy, thermal energy, photovoltaic energy, etc. There are a lot of alternative energies, so the only thing that we have to do is apply them. Moreover, we must reduce the consume of fuel and recycle more paper, glass, plastic, etc.
Other possible solutions that we can apply on our lives are reudce the exhaust fumes and furthermore, it will help the greenhouse effect.

If we do not control things like that, a lot of species will die out and the wildlife will be like a desert. We have to do something if we want to protect our environment. We must turn our lives into ecological lives. It will be better.

Thank you for your attention.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Laura Carrera.

Should Human Rights be enforced by law or optional?

(Discussion Essay)

Nowadays, Human Rights are protected in many countries, but also, there are a lot of subdeveloped countries that don’t respect them. For example, we can find a lot of slavery in subdeveloped countries, like Africa, Asia, etc., but it is not necessary go so far. Here, in Europe there are a lot of discrimination and racism to people who are from other countries.

Human Rights have to be enforced by the law, because all the people from around the world have rights only for the reason that they are humans.
If Human Rights were not enforced by the law, the society would be a disaster. Moreover, in our world, will be a lot of delinquency and any type of peace, love and respect to other people of the society.

In conclusion, it is necesary to pose again the question concerning that Human Rights should be enforced by law, because if they are optional, nobody will respect the rights of the other residents of the world. Furthermore, Human Righs are a way to protect the weakest people in the world, because when a new law is established, only benefits developed countries.