I think that describe a big person in few words it’s really difficult but I’ll try it. I’ll describe my father.
Taking account the physic, my father is really strong, and moreover is short. He is dark-skinned and also, he is dark-haired man. About his face, he wears glasses and he has brown eyes. His nose and ears are small and his mouth is thin. After that he has a little belly. He always dresses blue jeans and checked shirts.
As I said before he is really strong, but not only physically, also he is strong psychically. He is a person who had to start to work really young, to be precise at twelve years old, so he had lost a little part of his adolescence. He always is taking care of the people who are around him, and he makes the best for them. Furthermore he is a person really responsible and always is trying to make happy people who are around him. He is not a chatty person, but neither he is not a shy; you have to know how to deal him. Is a person who like make comedy a lot.
My father is working like a farmer and he has two jobs but he combines them. He is the manager from one business that works with the agriculture and also he has his own fields. He is really hard-worker. He is really cleaver, he knows a lot of everything; mechanics, construction, painting, electronics, etc. I think that if my father would be able to go to the University, he would have really good marks.
His passion are the old tractors. In his free time he loves stay restoring old tractors and he have a collection. He does not like music a lot, he prefers tranquillity.
To sum up, I would like to say that I’m really proud of my father, he is all that one daughter can ask. I really love him.
Taking account the physic, my father is really strong, and moreover is short. He is dark-skinned and also, he is dark-haired man. About his face, he wears glasses and he has brown eyes. His nose and ears are small and his mouth is thin. After that he has a little belly. He always dresses blue jeans and checked shirts.

As I said before he is really strong, but not only physically, also he is strong psychically. He is a person who had to start to work really young, to be precise at twelve years old, so he had lost a little part of his adolescence. He always is taking care of the people who are around him, and he makes the best for them. Furthermore he is a person really responsible and always is trying to make happy people who are around him. He is not a chatty person, but neither he is not a shy; you have to know how to deal him. Is a person who like make comedy a lot.

His passion are the old tractors. In his free time he loves stay restoring old tractors and he have a collection. He does not like music a lot, he prefers tranquillity.
To sum up, I would like to say that I’m really proud of my father, he is all that one daughter can ask. I really love him.