dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010

Influence of psychologists on our society

(Opinion Essay)

Nowadays, our society is conditioned by stress and work, and it can be a reason why people do not feel good with themselves. Departing from this point, a lot of people go to the psychologist with the objective of finding an easier life.

This is only one reason, but there are thousands. The only thing that we want is feel better with ourselves. In these moments is when psychologists can help us using different ways. The easiest one is to go to the surgery, but now, we are going through a big economic crisis and this is not the best way to solve our problems.

If we go to a bookshop, it will be easier for us to find any collection of self-help books. Nowadays, many psychologists are writing about really current topics in our society, like stress, anxiety, bullying, moving, etc. This is one way that psychologists are well considered in our society. They can make easier the citizens’ life without paying a lot of money.

Furthermore, today if somebody goes to the psychologist people will not be surprised about it. Years ago, if someone had psychologist therapy he was considered as a madman.

From my point of view, psychologists are making a god job day after day in our society and I think that they are well considered.

I have to add that in my opinion, they cannot be the answer to our problems and necessities, they can help us to find the solution, but they will not give it to us. We have to find it by ourselves.


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