dimarts, 20 d’abril del 2010

Professions that are dying out


Hello everybody! Welcome to our radio programme! Today we are going to talk about some professions that are dying out, concretely the farmers. We will talk with one of the last farmers in our country, Johan.

LAURA: Hello Johan! How are you?
JOHAN: Hi Laura! I’m fine, thanks.
LAURA: First of all I have to tell you that you shouldn't be nervous please. It will be better for you tell us what you want in an easier way.
JOHAN: (laughs) Okay, okay. I'll take it into account!
LAURA: Well, so... let's start! Can you tell us what you do everyday?
JOHAN: Everyday I wake up at six o'clock in the morning, I have breakfast, and later, I take my tractor and I go to work. I stop at midday, I have lunch and I go work again until nine o'clock at night. After that, I have dinner my son, my daughter and my wife and finally I go to sleep.
LAURA: Oh Johan! You work so hard!
JOHAN: Yes, it's true. But I have to say that years ago, without tractors everything was more difficult.
LAURA: Which are the differences between now and before?
JOHAN: Buuuuuuff! The most important difference are the tractors. Nowadays with these machines it's easier, quicker and better for us. We can do more in less time.
LAURA: And what about the future of this job? What do you think?
JOHAN: Nowadays in a three houndred inhabitants village, there are five farmers, so it's easy to see that this profession is dying out.
LAURA: And what are the reasons of its desappearance?
JOHAN: Low prices, no benefits for us, imported productes from other countries, things like that.
LAURA: That's a shame... From my point of view I think it's a very beautiful job, and losing it in our country... will be... unbelievable... Don't you think?
JOHAN: I agree with you, you're right...
LAURA: Well Johan, we've already finished the interview. Thank you a lot!
JOHAN: You are welcome Laura! Good bye!

Influence of psychologists on our society

(Opinion Essay)

Nowadays, our society is conditioned by stress and work, and it can be a reason why people do not feel good with themselves. Departing from this point, a lot of people go to the psychologist with the objective of finding an easier life.

This is only one reason, but there are thousands. The only thing that we want is feel better with ourselves. In these moments is when psychologists can help us using different ways. The easiest one is to go to the surgery, but now, we are going through a big economic crisis and this is not the best way to solve our problems.

If we go to a bookshop, it will be easier for us to find any collection of self-help books. Nowadays, many psychologists are writing about really current topics in our society, like stress, anxiety, bullying, moving, etc. This is one way that psychologists are well considered in our society. They can make easier the citizens’ life without paying a lot of money.

Furthermore, today if somebody goes to the psychologist people will not be surprised about it. Years ago, if someone had psychologist therapy he was considered as a madman.

From my point of view, psychologists are making a god job day after day in our society and I think that they are well considered.

I have to add that in my opinion, they cannot be the answer to our problems and necessities, they can help us to find the solution, but they will not give it to us. We have to find it by ourselves.

dijous, 15 d’abril del 2010

China's economy grows nearly 12 percent

Since 2009 China is inside the worldwide economic crisis, like a lot of countries. As you know, China is an undeveloped country and it is more difficult overcome the crisis for it than a developed country.

The prospects of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) were, more or less, of a 9% for the whole year, and only in the first quarter of year, it has exceeded their previsions with a 12%. The growth was fuelled by industrial growth.

This unexpected growth does not mean that China is outside of the worldwide crisis forever. It means that it is recovering from its bad situation, worst than the majority of the countries, so they have to continue controlling it.

As I said before, one reason of this unforeseen growth is the industrialization. A lot of business from the first world and developed countries bring their industries to undeveloped countries because of the low costs. In these types of countries there is an authoritarian politic regime, plentiful and cheaper labour, etc., so it is cheaper for the companies made their activity in these countries. When we speak about it, we are speaking about one really known phenomenon; the relocation.

From my point of view, this phenomenon helps a lot these countries with difficulties of development, so I think that is good help them with an indirect way. Nowadays, a lot of Spanish and Catalan companies have industries around the world.

This piece of news is from CNN News.

dimarts, 6 d’abril del 2010

Daily chocolate may keep the heart doctor away

Eating as little as a quarter of an ounce of chocolate each day -- an amount equal to about one small Easter egg -- may lower your risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke, a new study has found. For best results, the chocolate should be dark, experts say.

This paragraph summarizes the piece of news that I have read. During these last days, a study has been made about the chocolate consume. The final result of it says that in a low consume chocolate is quite good for heart diseases and strokes. We have to take in account that for the best effect is better with dark chocolate.

Since a lot of time ago, everybody said that chocolate is really bad for a correct diet, but now, we have to forget it. We do not have to do an abuse of chocolate but neither removes it from our diet.

Scientists and researchers are looking for more information about this topic, because it is a little bit shocking. Chocolate is known as an unhealthy food and nowadays is recognized as health nourishment in low quantities. Chocolate and sweets in big quantities are bad for our body, don’t forget it!

This piece of news is extracted from CNN News.

Food fight: Meals are tricky in the sky

This piece of news talks about the idea of eating in the plane. There are a lot of people who buy McDonald’s food at the airport (for example) and later they eat it in the plane. It means that a lot of people smell, probably, food that they don’t like. Or simply, they are smelling food that they want to eat.

Furthermore, there are a lot of people who are sensible with the smells and they can feel dizzy easily and they can be in a trouble inside a plane, that this place increases the nervousness of the passenger.

In my point of view, food in the planes should be forbidden. The airplane company can sell food with a no damaging and offensive smell for the other passengers that are not eating.

Moreover, there is another kind of people who want to eat when they are bored, and they support this idea, but, the question is: what will you do if someone is eating some that you do not like, or maybe... if someone is eating some yummy food next to you?

This new is extracted from CNN News.

divendres, 2 d’abril del 2010

MAD WORLD - Gary Jules

All around me are familiar faces
/ Totes les cares del meu voltat són conegudes
Worn out places, worn out faces / llocs gastats, cares gastades
Bright and early for their daily races / Brillant i aviat per les seves carreres diàries
Going nowhere, going nowhere / sense anar a cap lloc, sense anar a cap lloc
Their tears are filling up their glasses / les seves llàgrimes estan emplenant els gots
No expression, no expression / sense cap expressió, sense cap expressió
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow / amago el meu cap, vull afogar el meu dolor
No tomorrow, no tomorrow / sense un demà, sense un demà

And I find it kinda funny / I em sembla una mica graciós
I find it kinda sad / i em sembla una mica trist
The dreams in which I'm dying / els somnis en què estic morint
Are the best I've ever hat / són els millors que mai he tingut
I find it hard to tell you /se’m fa difícil dir
I find it hard to take / se’m fa difícil acceptar que
When people run in circles / quan la gent corre en cercles
It's a very, very mad world, mad world / això és un món molt boig, un món molt boig

Children waiting for the day they feel good / Nens esperant el dia en que se sentin bé
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday / Feliç aniversari, feliç aniversari
Made to feel the way that every child should / I em sembla la forma en què cada nen ha de
Sit and listen, sit and listen / assentar-se i escoltar, assentar-se i escoltar
Went to school and I was very nervous / Vaig anar a l’escola, i estava molt nerviós
No one knew me, no one knew me / Ningú em coneixia, ningú em coneixia
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson / Hola professora, diga’m quina és la meva lliçó
Look right through me, look right through me / mira a través meu, mira a través meu

And I find it kinda funny / I em sembla una mica graciós
I find it kinda sad / i em sembla una mica trist
The dreams in which I'm dying / els somnis en què estic morint
Are the best I've ever hat / són els millors que mai he tingut
I find it hard to tell you /se’m fa difícil dir
I find it hard to take / se’m fa difícil acceptar que
When people run in circles / quan la gent corre en cercles
It's a very, very mad world, mad world / això és un món molt boig, un món molt boig
Enlarging your world / Amplia el teu món
Mad world... / Món boig...