dissabte, 26 de setembre del 2009


Nowadays, a lot of pictures before arrive to us, passed for a lot of programs like Photoshop. Sometimes it’s difficult know if the image that we are looking it’s real or it’s a fiction editing.
Maybe, now you’re thinking why I’m telling it, and now, I’ll tell you why.
The new that I read it’s about one artist, Toni Ortiz, who paint 3D paintings on the floor, caricatures and a lot of things.
Specially, the article I read talks about his 3D paintings on the floor. When you see it in photos, at the first time you must look it again ‘cause it seems real!
I really like this type of paintings on the floor. In my life I only had the opportunity to see two in direct, and I enjoyed it a lot. I think it’s amazing ‘cause it seems a photo montage but it’s real!
Here, you have the web page of this artist, I look up all his paintings and they are brilliant, enjoy it!

This new it's from the magazine Catalonia Today, from September 2009.

dimarts, 15 de setembre del 2009


I listened a song from Milow on the radio (Ayo Technology) and I liked it, so I searched on youtube's page, songs from this singer, and this is the one that I liked more!
I hope you like it ;)

Sometimes everything seems awkward and large/ A vegades tot sembla inoportú i llarg

imagine a Wednesday evening in March / imagina una tarda de dimecres al març
future and past, at the same time. / futur i passat, al mateix moment.

I make use of the night, start drinking a lot / Aprofito la nit, començo a beure molt
although not ideal for now it's all that i've got / Encara que no sigui ideal, per ara és tot el que tinc
it's nice to know your name. / És bonic saber el teu nom.

You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi.

An ocean, a lake, I need a place to drown / Un oceà, un llac, necessito un lloc per ofegar-me
let’s freeze the moment cauze we're going down / anem a congelar el moment, perquè estem marxant
tomorrow you'll be gone, gone, gone. / Demà ja hauràs marxat, marxat, marxat.

You're laughing to hard, this all seems surreal / Estàs rient molt, això sembla surrealista
I feel peculiar now, what do you feel? / Ara em sento peculiar, que sents tu?
Do you think there's a chance that we can fall?. / Tu creus que hi haurà un canvi que ens faci caure?

You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi
What do I know, I know your name. / Què sé jo, jo sé el teu nom.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me anymore. / Tu no saps res sobre mi mai més.

I gave up dreaming for a while, / Vaig deixar de somiar per un moment,
I gave up dreaming for a while. / Vaig deixar de somiar per un moment.

I've noticed these are mysterous days / M’he adonat que són dies misteriosos
I look at it like a jigsaw puzzle and gaze / Semblo una mirada fixa en un trencaclosques
white wide open mouth and burning eyes. / blanca ample boca oberta i ulls encesos.

If only I could start to care, / Si jo hagués començat a prestar atenció
my dreams and my wednesdays are going nowhere. / els meus somnis i els meus dimecres no haurien anat enlloc.

You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi
What do I know, I know your name. / Què sé jo, jo sé el seu nom.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi.

You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know/ tu no saps
you don't know anything about me anymore. / tu no saps res sobre mi mai més.


Awkward: inoportú

Drown: afogar

Jigsaw: trencaclosques

Gaze: mirar fixament

Wide: ample

Why I'm studying batxillerat?

Hi Lourdes!
I decided which will be the topic of the email when I was in class, so here I am, telling why I’m studying second batxillerat now.
Well, as you now, most of us are doing batxillerat ‘cause we want to study a degree in our future.
Personally, I would like study “ADE”, but another possibility that I also really like it’s teacher from the kindergarden.
I hope I can pass my second batxillerat successfully as well as I passed my first batxillerat and in the future, study one of these careers, or maybe, both! Who said it was impossible!?
Well, now you know a little bit more my thoughts of the future!
See you in class! :)