divendres, 27 de novembre del 2009


I'm running out of patients / M'estic impacientant
'Cos I can't believe what the hell / perquè no puc creure què dimonis
I'm hearing / estic sentint
And speaking of hell / i parlant de l'infern,
It don't compare to this heat / no es pot comparar amb aquesta calor
That I am feeling / que estic sentint

I love you too much / T'estimo moassa
It shows / el que demostra
All my emotions go / que totes les meves emocions van
Out of control oh woah woah / fora de control oh woah woah
Good for you bad for me / el que és bo per tu és dolent per a mi
When I can hardly see / quan em costa veure
From the tears that flow oh woah / de les llàgrimes que vesso oh woah

Can't forget to breathe slow / No puc oblidar respirar poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contar de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Before I lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure / abans de perder-ho mantenc la meva compostura

I am gonna breathe slow / Respiraré poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contaré de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure / les dones mai perden la seva compostura

Not gonna lie / No mentiré
Or even try / ni ho intentaré
You've got my wheel spinning / tú gires la meva roda
And I ain't the one to shoot / però no seré jo qui dispararà
The gun / la pistola
'Cos that means you will be / perquè això significa que tu estaràs
Winning oh yeah / guanyant oh yeah

I love you too much / T'estimo moassa
It shows / el que demostra
All my emotions go / que totes les meves emocions van
Out of control oh woah woah / fora de control oh woah woah
Good for you bad for me / el que és bo per tu és dolent per a mi
When I can hardly see / quan em costa veure
From the tears that flow oh woah / de les llàgrimes que vesso oh woah

Ohh oh ooh
Can't forget to breathe slow / No puc oblidar respirar poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contar de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Before I lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure / abans de perder-ho mantenc la meva compostura

I am gonna breathe slow / Respiraré poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contaré de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure / les dones mai perden la seva compostura

Somebody better hold me back / Que algú millor m'aguanti
You're lucky I know how to act / tú tens sort que jo sé com actuar
(So lucky ain't gonna attack) / tant afortunat que no t'atacaré
I'm being calm and cool / m'estic calmant i tranquilitzant
But believe me you / però tú creu-me
It's taking everything to just / costa molt només
Breathe breathe breathe... / respirar, respirar, respirar...

Can't forget to breathe slow / No puc oblidar respirar poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contar de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Before I lose it get comp- oh oh oh 'sure / abans de perder-ho mantenc la meva compostura

I am gonna breathe slow / Respiraré poc a poc
Count from one to ten / contaré de l'u al deu
With my eyes closed / amb els ulls tancats
'Cos ladies take it in / perquè les dones ho assimilen
And get comp-( oh oh oh) 'sure / i mantenen la seva compostura
Ladies never lose comp- oh oh oh 'sure / les dones mai perden la seva compostura

Well, here you have the translation of this beautiful song of Alexa Dixon. It means that in many situations women knows more than the man how to control her impulse and it's a way to reduce the violence; be quiet and think about you will do, nothing more.
The vocabulary of this song is easy so I could translate it without any type of problem, apart from three or four words.
Enjoy it!:)

1234 - Plain White T's (activity)

Here you have the song that I bring on the class posted on Scribd, and also you have the video if you want to listen it. It is a REALLY beautiful song.;)


My intention was put the video of the new here but there is a problem with the embed and it does not work, so if you click here you will go to the page of the video. Sorry.

This new talks about Dengue Fever, a disease that is in a full development now. This disease is transmitted by a mosquito bite which that have been infected by the virus of Dengue.
Dengue Fever infects more than 100 million people and kills more than 22.000 persons during one year. More than 2’5 billions of people have the risk to take this illness in only 100 countries.
The principal symptom of this disease is the high fever, headaches and several stomach aches.
Scientists are investigating a lot this disease, but they cannot give a treatment for this, because it consists in a viral disease. The only thing that the infected people can do is wait minimum one month for their totally recuperation.
The places where we can find more infected people of the Dengue Fever are tropical and subtropical countries, for example Africa, South America, Australia, etc.

This video is extracted from CNN news.com

P.S: I know that we have to do an opinion of the new that we read or listened, but I found this video really interesting and I decided to write something about it.

dijous, 26 de novembre del 2009


Laura Juncà and I did the oral presentation about Humour Programmes on TV. We chose that topic because we thought that it would be an interesting topic to talk about because we look a lot of programmes like these but we don’t pay attention on their finalities; make laugh.
During the oral presentation, we used a Power Point with sounds, images and videos, so we had a lot of material to represent and support our oral presentation. We talked during ten minutes so the time is correct.
When I was talking I used to look the audience most of the time, but also I looked occasionally my notes because I didn’t want to forget to say nothing.
I did an introduction to introduce our topic and also, during the oral presentation I made questions to the audience to get the audience attention and made the presentation light for all of us. I used some markers during the oral presentation.
About the content, we tried that the some of the things that we said were new for the audience to make this oral presentation more interesting. We used to speak with a basic grammar and vocabulary and some connectors and fillers.
In my point of view, I think that I have to improve a lot my pronunciation and make the content more rich with new vocabulary and grammar, and also relax a little bit myself, because I used to speak quickly because I was a little bit nervous and sometimes, was difficult to understand me.
I will try to improve all my mistakes for the next oral presentation. ;)
Here, you have the video of our oral presentation and also, the Poper Point.


The Day After Tomorrow” is a science-fiction film that represents the effects that could have the global warming on the future, that are a lot of weather catastrophes related with the water that, finally, will produces a new ice age.
I decided to talk about this film because I think that there are a lot of people who is not aware about the effects that maybe will produce the global warming.
Nowadays everyday people are discovering something new about science and technologies, so we are in a period really accelerated of development.
Every day we are throwing gases, gases and more gases to the atmosphere and this is a reason of the global warming.
In my point of view, we must control more these throwing and contaminations, because apart from that we are damaging OUR environment, at the same time we are damaging the environment of our future generations.
In conclusion, I think that people have to look all they do trying to contaminate the world at the best way it is possible!

“Reduce the contamination it’s not thing of one of us, is thing of ALL of us.”

dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009


Every person is entitled to certain rights – simply by the fact that they are a human being. They are "rights" because they are things you are allowed to be, to do or to have.
When Human Rights were not recognized our society was full of discrimination, intolerance, injustice, oppression, slavery…
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights were created during the Second World War, by the United Nations to recognize freedom, justice and peace in our society.
Nowadays there are thirty Human Rights and they are really relevant in the world today, because they represent freedom, justice and peace from our society.
From all the Human Rights that were created by the United Nations, I chose the Human Right number one; We are all born Free & Equal.
I think that it is really important that all the residents of the whole world have the same rights depending from the place they are living, depending on their economic level, etc.
Also, I think it is really important that all the residents have the freedom for doing all they want and do not be tied on chains.
To sum up, I would like to say that Human Rights are very important in our lives. If we want that people respects our Human Rights, we have to start respecting Human Rights from the other people of our society and do not discriminate anybody.
Here, you have a video from Human Rights number 1.

divendres, 13 de novembre del 2009


This podcast is created by Laura Juncà and me one Tuesday of Aula d'Idiomes. It's an interview to Tomàs Molina.

dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009

Worm attack bites at Apple iPhone

Now, as we know, we are in a period of development. News technologies are being really important in our lives. Can you imagine your life without television, mobile phones, mp3 player, and things like that? It's impossible.
So far it was the computer who had the virus, but now, we have arrived to a time that mobile phones takes virus.
In my point of view someone interested to learn money have to create this virus that affects on Apple iPhone. It’s illogical that people made virus without sense.
So, in my point of view, have to be someone behind this warms who want to learn a lot of money with the antivirus that people are buying and will buy on the future for their computers and maybe, their mobile phones!

This new is extrated from here.

diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2009


I know it is not a short joke but I found it when I was searching a short joke to say in class and I liked it, so I've decided to post on my portfolio as an extra point! Listen it and LAUGH!

A guy came into a bar one day and said to the barman, "Give me six double vodka."
The barman says, "Wow! you must have had one really bad day."
"Yes, I've just found out my older brother is gay."
The next day the same guy came into the bar and asked for the same drinks.
When the bartender asked what the problem was today the answer came back, "I've just found out that my younger brother is gay too!"
On the third day the guy came into the bar and ordered another six double vodkas.
The bartender said, "WOW! Doesn't anybody in your family like women?"
"Yeah, my wife..."


(Opinion Essay)

Nowadays, as you know, we are in a period of development. Like other things that are in development, books are changing a lot. Now, when a lot of people think about a book, they see paper, paper and more paper, but not all the people who live in the world think like that. They see electronic books, which is like a screen where you can download different books from the Internet.
First of all, I would say that I disagree with electronic books. I prefer the books of all times, the paper books. I think that the use of electronic books in the school will be really bad for the students eyes, and what’s more, using these books, we will lose a really old tradition, the libraries.
Maybe, it is more economical for our environment, because we will not use the quantity of paper that we are using now. Furthermore, it can be cheaper than the traditional method, because we will only have to pay the “computer” and later pay little by little the books you want to download, so it’s relatively cheaper than the paper books.
To sum up, I think that electronic books will change a lot our society, because a lot of libraries will disappear and also, there is a lot of people in our society that do not know anything about new technologies, and it will be difficult for these people to find books of paper like the lifelong books.


Hi! I've decided post my participations of the wiki-space here. If something wrong happens with the wiki you will be able to read my participations here.;)


As Laura Penkert said, the price of Faustian Bargain’s for Dorian Gray is his own soul, but I disagree with Dorian Gray’s decision.
I think that in our life youth and beauty is not the most important thing, we can enjoy ourselves as we are doing now when we will be old and ugly.
In this case, Dorian Gray’s portrait will pay all the evilness and madness that Dorian Gray commit, so I think it is not life. In my point of view, you must pay for things you do.
And also, how will be the world if all of us will be young forever? In this case, I must say that I agree with the theory of Heraclitus, the philosopher. Heraclitus said that all the things were in a continue period of change, and it’s true. Seconds, minutes, hours, days and years pass and they will change ourselves, until the time we die.
In conclusion I think that in this life, all the periods have a time and when youth finish other period will start, but it doesn’t say that life it’s already finishing. Doesn’t matter if we are young or older, but we have a lot of time for enjoy ourselves! :D


In this dialogue, I found a difference between these two situations that Christian is. About the situation with Julia, he doesn’t want to practice plastic surgery with her because he loves Julia as she is, ‘because she is his all-life love and he sees Julia as a perfect woman.
But when Christian sees Kimber breasts, he said to her that to be perfect she must practice plastic surgery. I think that the reason why Christian recommend plastic surgery to Kimber is why for his own interest, as Oriol said. He only wants to increment his richness and he takes advantage of it.


Hi Laura!
I want to discuss your topic, I think it’s really interesting and also it can brings really good ideas to discuss, but before to tell my ideas I want to say that I am agree with you.
In my point of view, nowadays, a lot of people make plastic surgery to their bodies with the objective of improve their appearance, and I think that it is not necessary. You are wasting you money in an unnecessarily way.
Also there are a lot of people who have a really big problem in their body, like you said a consequence of an accident; they have a part deformed, so I think that in this case is necessary practice plastic surgery.
I hope that in my life I shouldn’t have to practice plastic surgery on myself.
And to sum up, I would like to say one thing: If you want to be happy, start to accept yourself as you are. ;)

diumenge, 4 d’octubre del 2009


The doctor says: "I have some good news and some bad news."
The patient says: "OK, give me the good news first."
The doctor says: "The good news is, you have 24 hours to live."
The patient replies: "Oh no! If that's the good news, what's about the bad news?"
The doctor says: "The bad news is, I forgot to call you yesterday."

dissabte, 26 de setembre del 2009


Nowadays, a lot of pictures before arrive to us, passed for a lot of programs like Photoshop. Sometimes it’s difficult know if the image that we are looking it’s real or it’s a fiction editing.
Maybe, now you’re thinking why I’m telling it, and now, I’ll tell you why.
The new that I read it’s about one artist, Toni Ortiz, who paint 3D paintings on the floor, caricatures and a lot of things.
Specially, the article I read talks about his 3D paintings on the floor. When you see it in photos, at the first time you must look it again ‘cause it seems real!
I really like this type of paintings on the floor. In my life I only had the opportunity to see two in direct, and I enjoyed it a lot. I think it’s amazing ‘cause it seems a photo montage but it’s real!
Here, you have the web page of this artist, I look up all his paintings and they are brilliant, enjoy it!

This new it's from the magazine Catalonia Today, from September 2009.

dimarts, 15 de setembre del 2009


I listened a song from Milow on the radio (Ayo Technology) and I liked it, so I searched on youtube's page, songs from this singer, and this is the one that I liked more!
I hope you like it ;)

Sometimes everything seems awkward and large/ A vegades tot sembla inoportú i llarg

imagine a Wednesday evening in March / imagina una tarda de dimecres al març
future and past, at the same time. / futur i passat, al mateix moment.

I make use of the night, start drinking a lot / Aprofito la nit, començo a beure molt
although not ideal for now it's all that i've got / Encara que no sigui ideal, per ara és tot el que tinc
it's nice to know your name. / És bonic saber el teu nom.

You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi.

An ocean, a lake, I need a place to drown / Un oceà, un llac, necessito un lloc per ofegar-me
let’s freeze the moment cauze we're going down / anem a congelar el moment, perquè estem marxant
tomorrow you'll be gone, gone, gone. / Demà ja hauràs marxat, marxat, marxat.

You're laughing to hard, this all seems surreal / Estàs rient molt, això sembla surrealista
I feel peculiar now, what do you feel? / Ara em sento peculiar, que sents tu?
Do you think there's a chance that we can fall?. / Tu creus que hi haurà un canvi que ens faci caure?

You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi
What do I know, I know your name. / Què sé jo, jo sé el teu nom.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me anymore. / Tu no saps res sobre mi mai més.

I gave up dreaming for a while, / Vaig deixar de somiar per un moment,
I gave up dreaming for a while. / Vaig deixar de somiar per un moment.

I've noticed these are mysterous days / M’he adonat que són dies misteriosos
I look at it like a jigsaw puzzle and gaze / Semblo una mirada fixa en un trencaclosques
white wide open mouth and burning eyes. / blanca ample boca oberta i ulls encesos.

If only I could start to care, / Si jo hagués començat a prestar atenció
my dreams and my wednesdays are going nowhere. / els meus somnis i els meus dimecres no haurien anat enlloc.

You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi
What do I know, I know your name. / Què sé jo, jo sé el seu nom.
You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know anything about me. / Tu no saps res sobre mi.

You don't know / Tu no saps
you don't know / tu no saps
you don't know/ tu no saps
you don't know anything about me anymore. / tu no saps res sobre mi mai més.


Awkward: inoportú

Drown: afogar

Jigsaw: trencaclosques

Gaze: mirar fixament

Wide: ample

Why I'm studying batxillerat?

Hi Lourdes!
I decided which will be the topic of the email when I was in class, so here I am, telling why I’m studying second batxillerat now.
Well, as you now, most of us are doing batxillerat ‘cause we want to study a degree in our future.
Personally, I would like study “ADE”, but another possibility that I also really like it’s teacher from the kindergarden.
I hope I can pass my second batxillerat successfully as well as I passed my first batxillerat and in the future, study one of these careers, or maybe, both! Who said it was impossible!?
Well, now you know a little bit more my thoughts of the future!
See you in class! :)